Monday, February 14, 2011

wah lame dah tak update! fuhhh..berhabok!

first of all..
i'm counting my BESDAY!!
ahahahaha..1 more day to come..
yipeeeee i'm 19!!
additional with that, on my birthday is a holiday which is a very noble day..

ckp psl maulidur rasul,
dlu tringat la mse skola rendah dulu tiap thun kne pkai bju kurung and berarak keliling chembong..
it was fun u noe!
dlu time tuh bru umo bpe..skg neh BESAQ dah..hahahahahaha~
member SKC! seriously i'm missing u over here...
bile la dpt gather2??
hurm...15 february is coming soon..
sooner and sooner (padahal lg sehari)
i'm sooooo OVEREXCITED..
biasenye org mngeluh sbb umo makin meningkat..
but for me, lg cepat besar the better (^^)v

oh ye,esok mlm insyaallah i'm attending usrah and qiamullail..
hati neh berat jgk nk g tp tgh ikhlaskn hati untuk pergi..
lg pun lau sorang2 bukannye buat pn kn..
so,better to go..wat malu jek tak g kn..
alhamdulillah besday tahun ni penuh dgn bnd2 mulia n berfaedah..

so,dlm perancangannye on 15th i'm going to sunplaza..
i'm going to buy my new phone =D
taktau la larat ke tak kn..
insyaallah...hope2 duit da msuk dlm bank la cz hri tuh jek cuti..
pastu kls pack..adoihhh... =="