Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hari Raya Aidiladha 2012

Aidiladha tahun ni aku sambut kat Medan as usual 3 tahun berturut-turut..yyeaahh!
Yeah la sangat kan?
Mula-mula memang ade plan nak balik sambut kat Malaysia tahun ni..
Tapi apakan daya...
Tiket teramatlah mahal..tak berbaloi untuk baik 4 hari je..
AIRASIA...why you soooo expensive! grrrrr

As usual jugak semua student Malaysia yang tak pulang ke tanah air sambut kat Konsulat Malaysia
Ok la terubat jugak rindu..
Makan banyak..muehehehe!
Makang aje keje...makan.makan dan makan..

This is my mate! panggil die Baby kayy...
Comel sangat kan? sebab tu la panggil Baby..

Top view tengok orang sembelih

Tapi hati ni still sebak teringat kat family
Takpe..sabar laa...
Nanti kita balik la kannnnn.... :D


Okay...kali ni nak cerita pasal aku terpegun tengok Fatin Liyana..
FATIN LIYANA?? who is that??
Tapi i guess mesti korang semua tau sape Fatin Liyana ni kan?
Bagi yang taktau lagi sape la insan yang bernama Fatin Liyana ni..
This is her...

Beautiful isn't she??
Way way way too beautiful..
How i hope i can be like her..
Ni bukan saje-saje cakap tau...
Nak jadi macam dia sebab she's a complete package..
Well she's a model and also a student


what else?
She's a Medicine student..
I'm a Dentistry student just don't have a face like her and a body like her *straight face*

Even without makeup pun dia memang dah sedia ada natural beauty


Friday, October 19, 2012

Gastrik Teruk

Semalam after whatssap'ing' firdaus,
Tibe2 jek perut berkecorong..
Eh?? Berkeroncong lerrr..hahaa...
Okayy fine aku bangun makan love letter 2 batang then tido...
Tak sangka plak after that about 4 a.m, perut meragam..


Aku agak dah kenape...
Menyesal tak sudah semalam tak makan banyak...
Nak jaga badan la konon sangat kan...
Last2 merana...

Sape2 yang ada penah rasa gastric pain mesti kata tak tahan sangat..
Memang rasa nak ...


Tak mampu nak pegi class harini...Terlantar atas katil - -"
After Jeeva balik die ajak aku terus gi klinik..
So i choose untuk amek injection terus sebab lagi cepat and effective

Balik rumah still sakit lagi..nak bangun makan pun tak boleh..
Padahal perut dah lapar sangat!
Tapi aku GAGAHKAN DIRI untuk menempuhnya!
*sempat wat lawak lagi kan..adehhhh*

Lepas makan, kena la makan ubat yang banyak tuuu

Yummy! Erk?!
Jum kita baca doa supaya cepat sembuh! ;)
Baca basmallah dulu ye..

Insyaallah Allah sembuhkan sakit ku ini

Best Friend Forever

Nama diberi Jeevamalar
Lahir di Taiping, Perak
Berumur 20 tahun..

Cewahhh..macam tengah cari missing people la plak kan??
Muehehehehehe :P

BTW,aku suka gambar hang yg ni... should thank me for making you soooo damn lovely..
And FYI, you're the best ever bestfriend of me in Medan..
Without you, i'm doing just fine! lost!
Hang banyak sangat dah tolong aku...seriously..
Seorang kwn yang boleh diharap..xperlu dah aku nak mintak tolong hang...
For sure hang akan tolong aku..

EVENTHOUGH we're not same colour race and not same in religion,
i'm going easy with you...aku tak rasa pun hang lain dari aku..
We've been housemate, classmate, agentmate, labmate, groupmate...semua yang mate-mate tu dah lama dah....
Sape sangka we've been together for 3 years??

Aku hadiahkan lagu LUCKY by JASON MRAZ specially for you..
Tapi jangan salah anggap plak lagu tu..
Tak pasal aku kena tuduh lesboooo ngan hang..

Paling penting... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 
THANK YOU..MERCI..GRACIAS..ARIGATOU for being there when i need you
For being nice and soooo nice to me
For taking care of me when i'm sick
For accompany me when my shoppaholic mood becomes crazieee
For share every laughs and every tears with me
For advising me whenever i did wrong 

Hahaha..aku nak tergelak actually baca quote ni..
Memikirkan yang kita ni makin gemuk!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

SSL (Setelah Sekian Lama) ;)

Haishh..lama dah tak update blog neh...
ade la 10 taon kot..hahaha..
tah macam mana hari ni pulak la rasa nk update blog..
as usual, a lot happened...

it has been 2 months without you...ismar
but i still havent forgive u yet..
because i cant..u hurt me so deep..
but yet i'm still thinking of you.. unpredictable..

but i noe i have to move on..keep on moving forward Ain..!

but then mal bagi aku satu essay ni :
This is for the broken hearted. I know how you feel. Empty, betrayed, and no happiness whatsoever. You don't want to laugh, because you know it's not going to help, but you don't want to cry, because it will just make you feel worse. You feel like your heart is falling apart, but not only that, but you know soon your life is going to feel like it's falling apart too. You don't think it will ever end, and no matter what this person has done to you, it feels impossible to stop loving them. And everyone wonders why if they have hurt you so much, then why do you still love them. That's the confusing part, you don't know why, you just do, and the people who hurt you the most, and normally the ones you love the most. And then, after a few weeks, you finally feel a sense of relief, like you're getting happy again, but you know inside that you're just going into denial. And after a few more weeks, you're back to where you were an empty soul and teary eyes. You thought you got over them, but really, you just stopped showing it. And you can't help but to show it again. It leaves deep scars on your heart that are there forever. And no one understands how you feel, and how deep you are hurt, no matter who they are, because it hasn't happened to them And even if it has, every broken heart is different. They don't know the true pain you feel and carry each and everyday now, so you learn that basically you are alone with all this. And the feeling starts to overwhelm you, and suddenly you just break down, right there, because you know you've had enough, the tears just instantly start flowing, and you're to the point where you don't care who see's. Because you've spent so many nights lying awake in bed, and so many days being haunted by the scars and fear of rejection. And in the midst of all these tears, you know that its not helping any, and it's not going to bring them back, if you ever even had them in the first place. After about a million tears have been cried, you finally pull yourself back together and keep going. Your throat starts to clench and your eyes burn with the tears you are trying to hold back. Everyone says, "It will be okay…” But you know it won't. And that’s the truth, it won’t. And you look back on all of the hurt you had from this, and you realize that people are horrible. You're still hurt, but you've learned to hide it so that everyone thinks you are okay. So now every time you see this person, you know you still love them, and you feel a slight tingle in your heart yearning for them to love you, screaming out, but for some reason they don't hear it. And then you sit back and wonder how one person could have caused all of this...